
Mental Health: AIIMS To Launch Health Clubs In Schools

Nirmal Singh 3C is glad to know that the people in India are finally taking the mental health seriously as the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has recently tied up with the Mental Health Foundation (India) to start “School Health Clubs” which aims to engage students to ensure that their mental and emotional health is fine.   Nirmal Singh 3C supports the information given by Dr. Nand Kumar from the Department of Psychiatry, AIIMS, who said: “We aim to reach out to 50 schools (private/government) in Delhi and will later go national with the programme. Besides school students, teachers and parents will also be a part of the programme.” The initiate is quite interactive as the organization is introducing: • Free-of-cost program • Educate students through videos • Theatre and group activities  “The programme is divided into three levels for children from Class VI to Class XII . We will teach the children how to concentrate, handle s...

Not Liking Green Veggies Is Due To Your Genes - Nirmal Singh 3c

Nirmal Singh 3C finds an interesting study that says a child forms a strange dislike to the vegetables which indeed has nothing to do with their parents. According to a new study, due to genetic mutations, youngsters try new foods while many other are fussy eaters. Nirmal Singh 3C thinks that this study will help in paving way for children who are fighting with childhood obesity epidemic.  According to a new research in the US, DNA is linked with the kind of taste a toddler would develop which is why they are fussy about their eating habits which is why they develop a bitter taste at the age of four. Nirmal Singh 3C would like to get specific with the names, as TAS2R38 is associated with dietary variety other called CA6 that puts a child out of control during mealtimes. People generally blame parents for children being fussy about their food habits, however that is not the case, as it is a matter of nature and not nurture. This was further corroborated by Natasha ...

Air Pollution Is Damaging Your Kids’ Memory, Try These Brain Boosting Foods

Nirmal Singh 3C is really concerned for the kids who are regularly being exposed to air pollution, which is affecting their mental as well as physical health. As of now, we have had heard much about the physical problems caused by the pollution but no one really knows what wrong it is doing to the brains. Nirmal Singh 3C would like to enlighten the people about memory loss. Pollution clearly reduces our memory and exposes us to particulate matter, fine inhalable particles of diameters of 2.5 micrometres or less as well as carbon, the prime source of pollutant caused due to traffic. Nirmal Singh 3C prepares a list of reasons behind these adverse effects on the children: Because children have small lung capacity and higher respiratory rate, they are comparatively more vulnerable  According to a study published in the journal Environmental Pollution, as many as 1,200 children aged from 7 to 10, from 39 schools walked to school on a daily basis in Barcelona. Thes...

Cure Cancer: 60% Breast Cancer Cases Recorded In Hyderabad

Nirmal Singh 3c would like to enlighten the people about cancer, which is growing like a hay fire with each passing day and it is the need of the hour to create awareness about Breast Cancer during this Breast Cancer Awareness month and beyond. Overlooking these early signs of cancer, people tend to develop this fatal disease at an advanced level.  More than 60-70 per cent of cases were recently recorded at advanced stages in Hyderabad. Because there is lack of awareness among people, only a figure of 42 per cent women was rectified with the glaring sign of lump on their breasts. Nirmal Singh 3c would like to streamline the basic information about cancer. What causes cancer? Age and lifestyle are the prime reasons that cause cancer. And, in this sedentary lifestyle people tend to put their health at stake so much so that they develop such diseases overlooking the early signs of cancer. Age One of the alarming concerns that cause cancer is increasing...

Cancer Amongst Obese Linked To 40% Of The Diagnosed, Nirmal Singh 3C

A recent study has concluded that obese and overweight people account for 40 percent of all diagnoses of cancer. The number of cases diagnosed in the past decade has seen an immense increase and are linked mostly to the overweight, but definitely not caused by being overweight. Doctor Nirmal Singh 3C said that most of the people that had been diagnosed with cancer, fell in the category of being overweight. He made it very clear that them being overweight is not the cause of them having cancer but they are definitely at a higher risk as compared to the others. The major problem here is that people do not correlate overweight, obesity and cancer, and the lack of awareness about the problem makes it much more difficult as the people do not give importance to their weight and that carelessness can cost them their lives. Nirmal Singh 3C said that according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the study conducted in the United States proved that bei...

Why Is India Still A Leader In The Illegal Kidney Racket Business? Talks Nirmal Singh 3C.

One of the major reasons that the kidney rackets are just spreading across the nation with such speed is the imbalance between the demand and the supply of the kidneys. Nirmal Singh 3C says that every year, more than two lakh people need new kidneys but only 8000 of them are lucky enough to get a kidney transplant and that is only because of the shortage of donors in the country.   Nirmal Singh 3C says that the gap between the demand and supply gives an open and wide opportunity for such kidney rackets where fake doctors carry out surgeries and later show forged documents to convince the doctors and the recipients, giving them a great source of income through forgery. For very long has India been going through the problem with so many rackets being caught every other day but the business is so widely spread that it has become next to impossible to curb it completely.  Nirmal Singh 3C says that the largest running kidney racket currently came into the eyes of...

AAP Govt Asks Hospitals To Promote The Use Of CATS Ambulance For Pregnant Women

Nirmal Singh 3C is glad to know that the Delhi government is coming forward to make the best use of ambulance service, Centralised Accident and Trauma Services (CATS), so as to transfer women to and fro from the hospitals. This move has come into effect due to underutilization of services. The ambulance service is also used for inter-hospital transfer of pregnant women as per the directives given to the hospital. “Presently, in comparison to institutional deliveries, utilisation of CATS ambulances for transportation of pregnant women for delivery and also for dropping home is very less and needs to be improved. All hospitals and medical institutions are requested to utilise CATS ambulance for this purpose by calling the centralised control room on the toll free number ‘102’,” said the circular. It is going to be a beneficial move as it helps women in getting the right services. As of now, more than 3.2 lakh institutional births took place in Delhi at various locations, in...