Cure Cancer: 60% Breast Cancer Cases Recorded In Hyderabad

Nirmal Singh 3c

Nirmal Singh 3c would like to enlighten the people about cancer, which is growing like a hay fire with each passing day and it is the need of the hour to create awareness about Breast Cancer during this Breast Cancer Awareness month and beyond. Overlooking these early signs of cancer, people tend to develop this fatal disease at an advanced level.  More than 60-70 per cent of cases were recently recorded at advanced stages in Hyderabad.

Because there is lack of awareness among people, only a figure of 42 per cent women was rectified with the glaring sign of lump on their breasts.

Nirmal Singh 3c would like to streamline the basic information about cancer.

What causes cancer?

Age and lifestyle are the prime reasons that cause cancer. And, in this sedentary lifestyle people tend to put their health at stake so much so that they develop such diseases overlooking the early signs of cancer.


One of the alarming concerns that cause cancer is increasing age. The older we get, the vulnerable we become to this disease. According to the data collected by Nirmal Singh 3C More than three out of five people who get cancer (63%) are over the age of 65, and more than a third (36%) are over 75.


Nirmal Singh 3c thinks that in this fast paced world, people hardly find time to pay heed to their health.  This is the reason why they adopt easy lifestyle, but fail to hit the nail on the head in terms of health.

Other risk factors can play an important role in the development of cancer.
Around 4 in 10 cancers in the UK could be prevented by lifestyle changes. Making these changes doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get cancer, but they will make it less likely and will improve your general health. The main reasons that slowly and gradually cause cancer:
Diet and Physical Activity
Viruses and other infections

Nirmal Singh 3c would like to explain how to be precarious:

First and foremost, take healthy food which would include fibre, such as wholegrain bread and pasta, beans and oatmeal. Take five portions of fruit and vegetables
Do not eat salt, red meat and processed meat
If you cannot hit the gym, go for regular walking, cycling or swimming.


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