Does Smoking Cigarette Reduce Stress?

Nirmal Singh 3C made a shocking revelation about cigarette and its harmful effects. As the recent study by the French National Center for Scientific Research, cigarette is the main reason of causing stress among people. Nirmal Singh 3C finds it pretty ironical that on one hand people smoke so as to vent out their stress and frustration, while on the other hand it is pilling more on the heap of stress.
This has been further substantiated by a news story published in Efe which says:  an exposure to nicotine cause more stress rather than calming a person up. This is in fact causing rise in anxiety-inducing in smokers. The study has been produced after checking lab mice.
The centre’s head of research, Philippe Faure, said: "(The experiments) suggest that nicotine could enhance the effects of stress."

Nirmal Singh 3C further finds that the Scientists from the University of Paris-Seine's Neuroscience Laboratory and the University of Nice Sophia Annapolis' Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology substantiated this research with the exposure on other rodents.
Here’s how the whole process took place:
First of social stress was induced in these creatures and then they were forced to stay in the repeated aggression's by their dominant congeries
For some the nicotine receptors were blocked while for the others it was activated

Nirmal Singh 3C noted that the behaviors of these specimens were closely observed. It was done by the electrocardiography parameters of their brains. In specimen whose receptors were blocked showed no sign of stress. While those mice who were exposed to nicotine, showed great signs of increased social stress.
"Researchers have also been able to confirm that a mouse subjected to a single act of aggression by one of its congeries showed signs of stress only if it had been previously exposed to nicotine," the study said.

Nirmal Singh 3C asks, even if the reports were true and nicotine causes social stress to mice, how can we say that it will leave the same effects on human beings, as well?
Indeed, these results are not translatable to human beings or that it causes any mood disorders in them.


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