Cancer Amongst Obese Linked To 40% Of The Diagnosed, Nirmal Singh 3C

A recent study has concluded that obese and overweight people account for 40 percent of all diagnoses of cancer. The number of cases diagnosed in the past decade has seen an immense increase and are linked mostly to the overweight, but definitely not caused by being overweight.

Doctor Nirmal Singh 3C said that most of the people that had been diagnosed with cancer, fell in the category of being overweight. He made it very clear that them being overweight is not the cause of them having cancer but they are definitely at a higher risk as compared to the others.
The major problem here is that people do not correlate overweight, obesity and cancer, and the lack of awareness about the problem makes it much more difficult as the people do not give importance to their weight and that carelessness can cost them their lives.

Nirmal Singh 3C said that according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the study conducted in the United States proved that being overweight is associated with increased risk of 13 types of cancer. And that is even more of an issue as every 2 out of 3 American is now obese, says CDC.

The study found out that between the years 2005 and 2014, the number of overweight-people linked with cancer increased 7% while on the other hand the rates of cancers not associated with obesity reduced by 13%.

Nirmal Singh 3C said that overweight has been linked to a lot of diseases, heart risks, diabetes etc. and doctors are always suggesting being with overweight to reduce the weight. But after the study that overweight people have increased risked to having cancer, the doctors are even more worried about the situation.  Even amongst them, more than half, around 55% of all the cancer diagnosed were overweight women as compared to a quarter in men.


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