Smartphones Can Now Predict Disease Risk - Nirmal Singh 3C

Now your smartphone will be capable enough to tell about any latent diseases you are suffering with and will also predict the future diseases if you carried on with your current lifestyle.
The app is developed by a startup based in Gurgaon that will provide reports that will not only expose the disorders that have been hidden but will also predict the risk of diseases based on the inputs by the user.
Healthians allows the user to input his basic body details like blood pressure, sugar level, weight, eyesight. Depending on these details, the app predicts the risk of diseases and also helps maintain a depository of the results for future references. - Nirmal Singh 3C

After you have put in your health details, the app analyses the data and describes, in detail, the future course of action that should be taken and also recommends the tests that should be done.
When people do not have the knowledge of their pathology reports, it becomes difficult for them to be aware of the implications. With this app, the user will understand the health risks of his lifestyle.
Everything is made simple by the app developers. You just have to put in your health details like blood pressure and sugar level; the rest will be done by the app – all the calculations and assumptions will display on your smartphone within a few minutes.’ - NirmalSingh 3C

The app also recommends dietary changes that the user should be bringing in and how he should alter his lifestyle to avoid the future diseases and health issues.
Users/patients will be able to get results faster and will be able to reach their treatment procedures and goals more efficiently. Plus, getting details about your health on your own smartphone will help understand the needs of your body better.

Just a few clicks and you know about your health in detail. You will know what procedures or medications you require, if any. The Gurgaon startup that has rolled out the app is working on new updates that will also tell the user about the similar health issues and how they were tackled in the area.’ - Nirmal Singh 3C


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