Nirmal Singh 3C Warns People About Places Mosquitoes Can Breed

Mosquitoes and the diseases they bring cause a lot of deaths in India. They are one of the most troublesome menaces that monsoon and rains bring in the country. The problem is more severe in places that are greener and have the possibility of water getting stagnant.

Bengal, North East, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra are considered to have an environment that is favorable for breeding of mosquitoes. Areas that have poor drainage system and where water can stay stagnant also allow the mosquitoes to multiply.

What most people do not know is that mosquitoes can also multiply and breed in our homes if we aren’t careful. There are many places in our own homes that can have mosquitoes multiplying rapidly which can eventually cause severe health issues.

Nirmal Singh 3C has revealed some lesser known places where mosquitoes can easily bread in our homes and the remedies and precautions we can take to minimize the breeding and health issues.

       Flower pots

Plotted plants in balconies are a source of fresh air and are also considered a good alternative for fresh, unpolluted air. But the excess water that trickles down the pots and gets accumulated in the trays can cause heavy mosquito breeding, especially if that water is left unattended for weeks and the tray is not replaced or drained properly.

Cleaning and draining the trays regularly or not using the trays at all can reduce mosquito breeding.

2    Air Coolers

Air coolers are a necessity, especially in rural and less developed areas and cities in India. Even after being used frequently during the summer, people ignore the fact that these coolers require regular cleaning. The unreachable and dark quarters of the coolers can accumulate water if you are not careful enough – perfect situation for mosquitoes to breed. - Nirmal Singh 3C

We can prevent female mosquitoes from laying eggs in air coolers by regularly cleaning the water, putting the mesh in the sun whenever possible, changing the water once every three or four days, adding camphor balls in the water, and by keeping the coolers dry during the winters or when they are not in use.


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