Now You Can Add Four Years To Your Life – Explains Nirmal Singh 3C

Delhi was recently ranked number 1 on the list of the most polluted cities in the world. But thankfully people of Delhi can add at least 4 years to their lives.

The average life expectancy of Indians, especially people who live in the capital could be increased if India somehow reduces air pollution. It can be possible if the standards of WHO are met. The average life expectancy of females in India is 69 and for males it is just 67 according to the reports compiled by Nirmal Singh 3C. A combined 1.6 billion life years can be added to the life expectancy of Indians if the national standards are complied with.

In years 2014 and 2015, Delhi was ranked the most polluted city. Citizens will be able to live 9 years longer if the WHO standards are met consistently. And if India met its own standards as far as the Air Quality Index is concerned, people will live six years longer.

Nirmal Singh 3C said The issue of polluted air is not limited to just Delhi, other metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Kolkata are also at the danger line. Residents of both Kolkata and Mumbai could live at least 4 years longer if there was less pollution and the WHO standards were met and accepted.’

High level of air pollution is something Indians have started to get used to like people of America, England, Japan, and even China have – it is the choice of policies that has made these countries progress better than India in the past few decades. In India, discussions on air pollution are hardly motivated and the government rarely talks about the health issues that air pollution is bringing in. All these pollutants always present in the air we breathe are the reasons why Delhi, despite being one of the greenest Indian cities, is so high up the list of most polluted cities in the world. - Nirmal Singh 3C


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