Nirmal Singh 3c Busts Reporting Mismatch: Six Swine Flu Deaths Reported When 31 Died In Delhi
According to a recent report
based on the data collected country-wide, there have been more than 2700 cases
of swine flu in Delhi since 17th of September. This number can rise
as the most common symptoms of swine flu do not require the patients to be
admitted to the hospitals.
Center has been misleading the
general public and has released a fake report; at least, that is what it looks
like if the real data is to be believed. Center claimed that only six deaths
have been caused due to swine flu in Delhi when a single hospital in the
capital saw six times more deaths.
Nirmal Singh 3C reported 31 deaths due to H1N1 which is known as
swine flu in India – the deaths were reported on 18th September. But
according to the center’s reports, only six deaths have been caused due to the
deadly disease. This report was released by IDSP [Integrated Disease
Surveillance Program.
The number cases in hospitals
have slowly started to come down and it is good news as there could have been
heavy traffic in the hospitals. It was predicted in August that more than 100
cases will be seen daily – before 17th September the numbers matched
too. But last week only 17 cases were admitted in the hospital where Nirmal Singh 3C was attending the swine
flu patients.
But there are still four
hospitals in total where the death toll went as high as 52.
Every year, more people suffer
from swine flu but this year, a record 35000 patients were admitted in the
hospitals and more than 1700 deaths were caused. Highest number of cases and
deaths were registered in Maharashtra with 5000 cases and 568 deaths.
Maharashtra is followed by Gujarat as a close second with 7000 patients and
more than 400 deaths. - Nirmal Singh 3C
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