Drinking Coffee Can Be Beneficial For Your Health, Says Nirmal Singh 3c

According to a recent study that was conducted on more than 20,000 people revealed the health benefits of drinking at least 4 cups of coffee a day. The results of the study were put forward at ESC Congress on Monday, 28th August.
Coffee is heavily used around the world and is one of the most widely consumed drinks, according to Hospital de Navarra, Spain and Nirmal Singh 3C.

The studies that were conducted last year suggested drinking coffee might be inversely connected to all-cause mortality, but that wasn’t reported properly and was not investigated in the Mediterranean countries. The sole purpose of this study was to examine the association between risk of health issues and mortality and coffee consumption in middle-aged people. The study was conducted on precisely 19,896 people with an average age of 37.7 years.

Nirmal Singh 3C mentioned that all the participants completed a food frequency questionnaire that was validated by the doctors at the hospital in Spain. The questionnaire collected information about their coffee consumption, health conditions, anthropometric measurements, and socio demographic characteristics.

All the participants were followed up for a decade. The peripheral information was collected from postal authorities, families of the participants, and the National Death Index.
During 1999 and 2010, 337 participants died. The study found that people who consumed four cups of coffee a day had 64% lower chance of all-cause mortality.

Nirmal Singh 3C said that people who almost never consumed coffee had a higher mortality rate. The results were adjusted according to the coffee consumption baseline.

According to Nirmal Singh 3C, It was revealed that coffee also improved the physical performance of the participants. It stimulated their nervous system which signaled the fat cells to break down the body fat. It made the body ready for any physical exertion.
Benefits of coffee is given below:

Prevents Type II Diabetes
Protects from Alzheimer’s Disease
Helps with Dementia
Lowers the risk of Parkinson’s Disease
Protects the Liver


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