World Breastfeeding Week: Delhi Moms Facing Serious Problems Breastfeeding
Last week the world celebrated
the Breastfeeding week. World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes breast milk
as the best nutritional food source for infants. WHO and UNICEF suggest that
breastfeeding should be started within one hour of the child’s birth and should
continue for at least the first six months of the child’s life. ‘Breast milk
contains antibiotics that help the child fight against the bacterias and
viruses and stay healthy,’ says Nirmal
Singh 3C.
Ideally, breast milk should be
fed to the child till the age of two. The initial years of the Childs life are
very crucial for his health and brain development, and breast milk being a rich
source of nutrient is of great help in it. In India, the child mortality ratio
is very low, the reason being the vulnerability associated with the pre- term
babies that are mostly underweight. According to Nirmal Singh 3C, Undernutrition is associated with 45% of child
In support of the world
Breastfeeding Week, Fortis La Femme in collaboration with Breast Milk
Foundation launched ‘Amaraa,’ the first Pasteurized human Milk Bank in Delhi/
NCR. The objective of ‘Amaraa’ is to provide all premature and critically-ill
babies with human breast milk.
Nirmal Singh 3C says that there are various reasons because of
which the mother is not able to breastfeed their child, sometimes due to the
insufficient production of milk in the body or due to the crack in the nipples.
In such cases, the doctors themselves suggest the mother to formula feed their
A breastfeeding survey was
conducted amongst new mothers across the major metro cities of the country to
find out the most common issues that they face during the first six months of feeding
their child and what are the major reasons that effect their decision for the
After the survey in Delhi they
have concluded that only 28% initiated breastfeeding habits within the first
hour of delivery, where 49% of the mothers fed their babies with colostrum just
after the birth and 41% opted for formula feed.
Many women in India still consult
their own mothers for advices on breastfeeding and only a small percentage of
the pregnant women take advice from the pediatrician. After the survey, we came
to know that only 11% of women had consulted about the lactation, says Nirmal Singh 3C.
He says that it is
important to discuss the importance of breastfeeding and to facilitate options
for the same even at the public places. So many mothers had to leave their jobs
because there was no nursery in their offices.
Nirmal Singh 3C says that we this World breastfeeding week we
should pledge to spread awareness about the same and make the women feel
comfortable if they have to breastfeed in the public.
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