Normal Blood Sugar doesn’t mean everything is alright

New research claims that normal-range sugar results could also mean trouble. Most people don’t bother about diabetes until their doctor tells them their sugar is too high. But, even if you get a normal blood sugar level, it doesn’t mean everything is clear. According to the latest research, if the blood sugar levels are at the high end of normal range, it might still indicate risks of an illness, especially if the patients have other diabetes related concerns, such as obesity or family history.

The cutoff between normal and higher blood sugar levels associated with diabetes can give a false sense of security to many, note experts at Nirmal Singh 3C. A research published in 2013 found that middle-aged people with high-normal fasting blood sugar levels had even worse scores on memory tests and greater shrinkage in a brain region important to memory than those with lower blood sugar levels. If there are high glucose levels, that might damage the blood vessels and also hinder about the flow of nutrients to the brain.

There are other research material which suggests that high-normal blood sugar may increase the risk of heart disease by raising inflammation and making stiffer blood vessels. Cancer is also another growing concern. The reason may be that the insulin that’s pumped out to deal with blood sugar levels also speeds the growth of cells.

In the expert opinion of Nirmal Singh 3C, all adults should be aware of their blood sugar status and make major lifestyle changes when their numbers reach into 90s. An ideal healthy fasting blood sugar is less than 85 and every few points higher than that are associated with more problems, so it is best to take measures early in that stage.

Blood sugar tests should be done every three years starting at the age of 45 but earlier or more frequent tests may be required if you’re from a high-risk ethnic group, or overweight. Experts at Nirmal Singh 3C suggest that increased activity and a better diet can reverse the path to diabetes. There are also beliefs that lifestyle changes have greater impacts than even the diabetes medication and the benefits will endure. 


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