Low Pay, High Stress Jobs Worse Than Unemployment, Says Nirmal Singh 3C

It has now been scientifically proven that the wrong kind of job is going to have far more negative effect on the people than being unemployed. India is amongst those countries that are currently suffering from a high rate of unemployment. Nirmal Singh 3C says that in order to save themselves from unemployment, many people start indulging themselves into whatever jobs that they find and this is what is tampering their health a lot.

Nirmal Singh 3C says that working at a low pay or highly stressful jobs is exactly what you need to stay away from. Unemployment is not a choice but getting into the wrong type if work would directly affect your mental health and that is much more risky and unsatisfying than staying unemployed. In fact you can use the period of your unemployment to do the things that you love, or learn the things that you have always wanted to but could not due to some or the other reason. 

Nirmal Singh3C says that spending your free time creatively, doing something that you love is far better than just wasting your time, for a very low pay, on something that you don’t even care about.

We spend most of the active time of our day at our jobs, that means, that almost 40% of our life is spent at our workplaces and if we do not like spending time there, or doing the work that we are doing, then we are definitely wasting our time. And not only time, we our draining ourselves out, working hard for something that we do not actually care about and this is a serious matter.

Nirmal Singh 3C says that according to a London based study, people that are unemployed and the people who were working in low play jobs or the high stressing ones were studies. It was noted over a period of time, that the latter is mostly under a lot of pressure and stress and that is the reason why the youth today faces so many health problems. If we, the youth realize that it is far more better to take the time off and take a fresh new path than just putting ourselves under so much pressure the entire problem can be solved. 


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