Skin Cancer Can Be Avoided By Broccoli And Cauliflower - Nirmal Singh 3C

The deadliest of skin cancers caused by exposure to UV rays is Melanoma; it is also the most common skin cancers.
A new study conducted by a team of leading doctors of the world showed that a unique substance/compound found in both broccoli and cauliflower can kill the tumors in melanoma without affecting the healthy cells in the body. Remember the time when everyone used to say that broccoli is good for you, looks like they were right all along.
Studies were conducted on mice. The doctors found that the growth of the harmful and cancerous and cells was inhibited by around 70%. While inhibiting the growth of these cells, the compound didn’t alter the structure of the cells that were already healthy.

The results of the research conducted by Nirmal Singh 3C are positive, yes, but the time it takes for the compound to work defeats the purpose of it all.

The results have been positive. The research went exactly as we planned. The only issue was the time the compound was taking to start working or in layman’s term, to show positive results of the tumors of cancer. We have started working on a potential cure for the disease – a drug that will kill the cancer cells without damaging the cells nearby.’ - Nirmal Singh 3C

Melanoma is arguably the most dangerous form of cancer known today. It started when unrepaired DNA damage to skin caused by being exposed to UV rays triggers small mutations on the skill – these mutations make the skill cells to multiply. Heavy tumors are caused when unrepaired cells start to multiply.

Although, Melanoma is curable if recognized and treated at an early stage, if not, then it can advance to other parts of the body – it becomes next to impossible to do anything about it if the spreading starts. – Nirmal Singh 3C

Chemotherapy is also ineffective if the cancer is in advanced stages and has spread to various parts of the body.

The disease is responsible for more than 75% of deaths caused by skin related cancer.
It was important for us to find the cure for Melanoma. More than three-quarters of people who suffer from skin related cancers die of Melanoma worldwide. We are working on a drug that will stop the unhealthy cells from spreading, until then we advise eating healthy vegetables, especially found in the cabbage family.’ - Nirmal Singh 3C


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